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It's a good and cute game. The only thing I didn't like was that you got caught on the walls and couldn't move. But it's a nice game. + It would have been better with music

Quite interesting visual effect of fisheye. The most annoying thing in gameplay is sticky walls - character just won't slide down when stuck to them, until you release the direction key.

Didn't make it far enough, but managed to grab two "powerups" (not sure they did anything, though) and got into left room which was blocked from direct jump, but kinda open if you fall there from above - a bit of metroidvania effect!

did you make your art yourself? it looks cute and fitting together well, better then I could pull out myself.
I noticed you didnt have sound in the game, if you want some basic SFX for jumping and walking hit me up for your next project or jam (;
Well done on completing a game in such short time :D